Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Week

omg =P i just deleted an entire post... by clicking ... oh, i forgot what i clicked.. but oh well :P I'll start again, by saying, Holy Mama was by fav word back in primary school. I mean, you gotta say it the Diva style way =P lol!!!

anyway, am i glad it's a Satuday!! It was The most Hectic-ness of the week since a gedongdong long time. lol so, woohhooo!! but boohoo cause it's nearing our finals. But woohoo cause then we're done with college ! but that's a boohoo too, cause... well.. college is over!!!! .. :S so im in a state of confusion at the mo. =S ...i wish my English was bombastic -.-

oh well!!! It was a good Friday night =) Samantha and I planned a surprise birthday for Julia and it went well =) though our plan kinda backfired =P cause Sam and Ju were behind us when we wanted to surprise em =P ahaha, but oh well, juju said she was, and i qoute "over-whelmed" =) hope you enjoyed your night juz =)

*Thank you all for coming =)

and i finally stepped into Pavillion. and omgosh..its awsome, magical! Ooooo the jaguar car in front is the BOMB. and KL at night is... sooooo pretty. I don't wanna leave KL =( Sob... oh well, can't wait till the exams are over and we can all explore KL bit by bit. =P

picturessssssssssss =)

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Anonymous said...

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