Sunday, November 11, 2007

my HEART fell from a TAAAAALLLL coconut tree..

Yes it did !!! my heart literally fell from where it was placed all the way to my little toe with the mole on it. -.- i swear!!! i almost lost my blog! omg omg omg...fuck fuck fuck..

HOW?..and WHY?

because i was playing around with the template thingie..and suddenly everything in the HTML *Wth does that stand for????* disappeared!! and i tried to log in to my blog and it said what it usually says when u can't enter a website. ooooooo i was sweating.. i swear.. it was a terrible feeling..i thought it was gone...forever !!!!!! ..**sweat


but its not. thank goodness *phew*.. my comp was laggy so i let it chill for a while, and tried again.. ahhhh.. i saw my green monster.. my blog i mean.. oo i got message from Facebook. lol and it said, Adam wrote on ur wall. lol !!! I miss that papadam! ok, back to 'work' and blog skin browsing..

i want to try and be someone i thought i'd never be, someone i couldn't imagine myself as, someone who really isn't me..
why not?
afterall, i'm still trying to find out who i really am, the real me..
no harm in exploring a little bit..
stop me when I can't stop myself..


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