Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Answer me

I am currently in a pretty messed up situation..

well, it's not that bad, just that, i hate being in situations as such..

Somehow, i realize, I'm always stuck in these kinda situations..

like, it's repeating itself..

testing to see if i make the same "mistake" (if i may call it) again..

truth is, maybe I want to make that "mistake"

I don't know..

I need space and time from the main causes contributing to the complications of this situation

I need a guide..a proper one..

I dont want it to repeat anymore..

I don't want to go through the whole thing again

I'm looking for something new..

I'm finding myself slowly..

& I think I need to do it alone

that too I'm not sure..

pfft.. how terrible

not knowing what I really want..

right now, I want to be safe.. and to feel secure..

Happy Good Friday & Easter to all


liverpool_21 said...

Aint gonna be a guide... Or anything of that sort...

But always here... if you need anything...

Know no pleasure till you know pain ;p

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